If you answer the question wrong, we'll show you the content again, but in a different format. These are websites with help on a variety of subjects to help you with the revision at any stage you are at, from elementary school to GCSEs and level A. You can search by course title. You can also search for OpenLearn courses associated with an Open University course by searching for the course code.
Many organizations offer free online learning in a variety of subjects and levels. You can explore the providers, the subjects they offer, and the levels available before choosing. For tips on what to look for, check out our guide to choosing an online course. Produced by The Open University, a world leader in open and distance education, all OpenLearn courses are free to study.
We offer nearly 1000 free courses in 8 different subject areas. Our courses are available to start right away. A Level Physics online offers a variety of videos using Lego pieces to illustrate physics concepts and also offers free classes on YouTube for both GCSE and A Level Physics. These are other online resources that require a subscription or a one-time fee for certain courses.
Richard Needham, from the Association for Science Education, has compiled a selection of these resources to help teachers. For journal articles, books, images, and even primary sources, JSTOR is among the best online resources for academic research. Isaac Physics is a project designed to offer physics problem solving activities to teachers and students from the GCSE to the university. Other resources for teaching and distance learning in all sciences are also available.
Today, PubMed Central has more than 7 million full-text records, making it an excellent resource for students in the fields of life sciences or medicine. STEM Learning has a range of resources for students for both elementary and secondary and elementary and secondary sciences. Cambridge International is also making its Resource Plus site for international GCSEs and A Levels free for schools. As the largest library in the world, the Library of Congress is an incredible online resource for academic research.
There are links to the Advanced Physics for Independent Learning Project, a set of resources published in the 1980s to support independent learning.