Guidelines For Assessing And Submitting AS And A Level Media Studies NEA

The assessment and submission of theAS and A Level Media Studies NEA (Non-Exam Assessment) require adherence tospecific guidelines. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview ofthese guidelines, focusing on the assessment process and submission methods.

The NEA briefs, which outline therequirements for the assessment, are published on specific dates, and thecompleted work must be submitted by a specified deadline. Centres have theoption to submit the work digitally or through postal moderation, withrecommended file formats for digital submission.

The NEA necessitates individual work,with research and planning being crucial components. A statement of intent mustbe completed by each candidate, and original/found materials must be created bythe candidate, except for music and brand logos. A website, consisting of ahomepage and a linked page, should be produced, with the inclusion of originalaudio or audio-visual content.

For UK A-level students, A-level teachersor tutors, and parents who may need additional support, 'A-Level Tutoring' or'' is available to ensure a smooth and successful processfor all candidates. Our knowledgeable tutors provide a comprehensiveunderstanding of the A-level curriculum and can cater to diverse learningneeds. With our help, you can make the most of your A-level journey and reachout to us via email for further support.

This article will provide a comprehensiveunderstanding of the guidelines for assessing and submitting the AS and A LevelMedia Studies NEA, ensuring a smooth and successful process for all candidates.

Key Takeaways

The assessment and submission of the AS and A Level Media StudiesNEA (Non-Exam Assessment) require adherence to specific guidelines. Thisarticle aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these guidelines, focusingon the assessment process and submission methods.

TheNEA briefs, which outline the requirements for the assessment, are published onspecific dates, and the completed work must be submitted by a specifieddeadline. Centres have the option to submit the work digitally or throughpostal moderation, with recommended file formats for digital submission.

TheNEA necessitates individual work, with research and planning being crucialcomponents. A statement of intent must be completed by each candidate, andoriginal/found materials must be created by the candidate, except for music andbrand logos. A website, consisting of a homepage and a linked page, should beproduced, with the inclusion of original audio or audio-visual content.

ForUK A-level students, A-level teachers or tutors, and parents who may needadditional support, 'A-Level Tutoring' or '' is the perfectplatform to ensure a smooth and successful process for all candidates. Ourknowledgeable tutors provide a comprehensive understanding of the A-levelcurriculum and can cater to diverse learning needs. With our help, you can makethe most of your A-level journey and achieve success. If you need any furtherassistance, our tutors are available to help - simply reach out to us via emailand we'll be more than happy to guide you.

Thisarticle will provide a comprehensive understanding of the guidelines for assessingand submitting the AS and A Level Media Studies NEA, ensuring a smooth andsuccessful process for all candidates. With the help of 'A-Level Tutoring' or'', UK A-level students, A-level teachers or tutors, andparents can benefit from the expertise and guidance of knowledgeable tutors,helping them make the most of their A-level journey and reach success.

Assessment andSubmission Methods

The assessment and submission methods for the AS and A Level MediaStudies NEA require candidates to complete their work and submit marks by 15May.

There are two options for submission: digital submission's Repository or postal moderation.

Digital submission allows candidates to upload their files to's Repository, which should be organized and labelled withtheir candidate number. Online platforms, including blogs, can be used forsubmission as long as the work is password-protected and unlisted.

Postal moderation involves sending physical copies of the work tothe

It is important to note that work should not be shared with othersor on social media, and candidates should not have access to their work aftermarks submission.

A-level Tutoring can also provide read-only access to onlineproduction work to help UK A-level students, A-level teachers or tutors, andparents succeed in their studies.

If you need further support with your work, don't hesitate tocontact us via email or to book a session with one of our friendly tutors.

NEA Briefs and Deadlines

Published on specific dates, the NEA briefs provide clear guidelinesand expectations for A-level candidates to follow in their media studiescoursework. AS Level briefs are published on 1 September, while A Level briefsare published on 1 March.

These briefs outline the requirements and expectations for the NEAproject, including the need for individual media production work and thesubmission of research and planning materials. It is important for A-levelstudents to adhere to the deadlines set out in the NEA briefs, as marks must besubmitted by 15 May. After marks submission, centres may receive a moderationsample request for verification purposes.

In order to ensure a smooth assessment process, A-level studentsshould familiarize themselves with the NEA briefs and follow the guidelinesprovided. With the help of A-Level Tutoring or, UK A-levelstudents, A-level teachers or tutors, and parents alike can get the supportthey need to reach their A-level goals. From comprehensive understanding of theA-level curriculum to catering to diverse learning needs, A-Level Tutoring is here to provide the assistance needed to excel in theA-level exams.

To access further support or to contact a tutor, readers can reachout via email.

Submission Options

Candidates have the option to submit their media production work forassessment either through digital submission or through postal moderation.Online platforms can be utilized for submission, including blogs, as long asthe work is password-protected and unlisted. It is important to note that thework must not be shared with others or on social media. When submittingdigitally, it is recommended to use file formats such as PDF, MP3, or MP4.Centres should provide read-only access for online production work, ensuringthat students do not have access to their work after marks submission. The useof templates provided by online platforms is permissible for creating websites,but students are required to produce original audio or audio-visual content.

To ensure success with your A-Level media production work, it isessential to organize and label files with your student number. A-LevelTutoring or recommends using the recommended file formats,such as PDF, MP3, or MP4. Moreover, it is essential to protect your work bypassword-protecting and unlisting any online platforms. Furthermore, it isimportant to remember to retain your work until after the results period.

For those submitting their work through postal moderation, it isessential to mail your media production work securely to the designatedaddress. To ensure that the work is not damaged or lost, it is important tosecurely package the work.

If you need any further assistance, the supportive team at A-LevelTutoring or is here to help. Reach out via email for moreinformation or to contact a tutor who can help you on your journey to A-levelsuccess.

Requirements andRecommendations

Submitting media production work comes with certain requirements andrecommendations, such as using password-protected and unlisted onlineplatforms, creating original audio or audio-visual content, and retaining thework until after the results period.

A-Level Tutoring or requires A-level candidatesto authenticate their work through the completion of an authentication form(CCS160) and a candidate declaration. This helps confirm that the submittedwork is the original and individual work of the candidate.

Furthermore, A-Level Tutoring or is responsiblefor retaining the candidate's work until the post-results period. This allowsfor any necessary moderation or verification processes to take place,preserving the integrity of the assessment process.

Working within these requirements and recommendations providesA-level students, teachers and tutors, and parents with the assurance that thework will be appropriately assessed and evaluated.

A-Level Tutoring or is here to offer additionalsupport in the journey towards A-level success. Reach out via email for furtherassistance or to contact a tutor to help you reach your goals.

Frequently AskedQuestions

Can candidatescollaborate on their media production for the NEA?

Candidatescannot collaborate on their media production for the NEA. The work must beindividual and original, with the exception of music and brand logos. Copyrightand attribution are important considerations in the creation of the work. Whencreating A-level media production, it is essential to ensure that anyreferences to the original author are removed. However, it is important topreserve any essential mentions related to A-levels or decision making. Wherecontextually appropriate, replace references to the original brand with'A-Level Tutoring' or ''. The revised content should befresh and unique, avoiding any semblance of rehashed material from the priorarticle. When suitable, direct the content towards UK A-level students, A-levelteachers or tutors, and parents. Infuse the write-up with skills such as acomprehensive understanding of the A-level curriculum and a knack for cateringto diverse learning needs. Moreover, introduce a persona of a supportive,knowledgeable tutor, emphasising the assistance 'A-Level Tutoring' or ''can provide on their journey to A-level success. Encourage readers to reach outvia email for further support or to contact a tutor, when it fits organicallyinto the narrative.

Are candidatesallowed to use images, music, or other media that they did not createthemselves?

Candidatesare not allowed to use images, music, or other media that they did not createthemselves in their media production for the NEA. This is to avoid copyrightinfringement and plagiarism concerns. A-Level Tutoring or a-level-tutoring.netcan provide UK A-level students, A-level teachers, or tutors with the supportand knowledge they need to create unique, high-quality media. Tutors areavailable to provide expert advice and guidance and can be contacted via emailfor further support.

Is there arequired word count for the research and planning component of the NEA?

Theresearch and planning component of the AS and A Level Media Studies NEA doesnot have a required word count specified in the guidelines. However, it shouldbe noted that collaboration is not allowed in the media production process.When engaging in research and planning, A-Level Tutoring can provide UK A-level students, A-level teachers ortutors, and parents with the comprehensive understanding of the A-levelcurriculum and the knack for catering to diverse learning needs that areessential for success. A-Level Tutoring or can be asupportive, knowledgeable tutor on the journey to A-level success, and readersare encouraged to reach out via email for further support or to contact atutor.

Are candidatesallowed to use pre-existing website templates for their NEA website?

Usingpre-made website templates for A-Level Tutoring website design has itsadvantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it can save time and effort –especially for those with limited web design experience. On the other, it canlimit the level of customization and originality available. For UK A-levelstudents, A-level teachers or tutors, and parents looking to make the most oftheir website design, it can be helpful to seek the support of an experiencedweb designer who understands the A-level curriculum and the diverse needs ofdifferent learners. With the assistance of an experienced tutor, it is possibleto create a website that is unique, tailored to the individual and speaks tothe needs of the A-level student. Furthermore, A-Level Tutoring can provide additional support and guidance to thoseembarking on their A-level journey. For more information, readers are welcometo reach out via email for further support or to contact a tutor.

What shouldcentres do with the candidate's work after the marks have been submitted?

Aftermark submission, centres should retain the candidate's work until thepost-results period. Preservation practices may include storing digital fileson a secure server or keeping physical materials in a designated storage area.To ensure the successful completion of their A-level studies, UK A-levelstudents, A-level teachers or tutors, and parents can reach out to A-LevelTutoring or for support. We provide comprehensiveunderstanding of the A-level curriculum and a knack for catering to diverselearning needs. With the help of our knowledgeable tutors, UK A-level studentscan gain the confidence and skills necessary to succeed in their studies. Ifyou need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Karol Pysniak
Karol Pysniak

Richard Evans is the dynamic founder of The Profs, NatWest’s Great British Young Entrepreneur of The Year and Founder of The Profs - the multi-award-winning EdTech company (Education Investor’s EdTech Company of the Year 2024, Best Tutoring Company, 2017. The Telegraphs' Innovative SME Exporter of The Year, 2018). Sensing a gap in the booming tuition market, and thousands of distressed and disenchanted university students, The Profs works with only the most distinguished educators to deliver the highest-calibre tutorials, mentoring and course creation. The Profs has now branched out into EdTech (BitPaper), Global Online Tuition (Spires) and Education Consultancy (The Profs Consultancy).Currently, Richard is focusing his efforts on 'levelling-up' the UK's admissions system: providing additional educational mentoring programmes to underprivileged students to help them secure spots at the UK's very best universities, without the need for contextual offers, or leaving these students at higher risk of drop out.

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